3 Allergies Can Cause Shortness of Breath
Allergy is a condition when the immune system reacts to an allergen, which is a foreign substance that is harmful to the body.
This reaction causes the immune system to release special antibodies that trigger inflammation of the sinuses, skin, digestive system, and airways.
Normally, the immune system will react to substances or objects that are harmful to the body, such as viruses, bacteria, or toxins. This reaction will occur in all people who do not have abnormalities in the immune system.
As a result, allergy sufferers experience several symptoms, one of which is shortness of breath. Shortness of breath because of allergies can occur through several mechanisms.
Allergies Cause Shortness of Breath
1. Allergy Triggers Uvulitis
An immune reaction that triggers uvulitis, aka inflammation of the uvula, also cause shortness of breath due.
The uvula is the part of the throat that is in the middle of the roof of the mouth. This fleshy tissue comprises mucous membranes, muscles, and connective tissue.
The uvula helps push food down the throat. Therefore, when uvulitis occurs, the inflammatory condition can impair the ability to swallow.
In addition, inflammation of the uvula also causes throat itching, burning and pain. In very rare cases, swelling of the uvula also blocks the airway, causing shortness of breath.
Several allergens can trigger swelling of the uvula because of an allergic reaction, such as dust, animal dander, pollen or certain types of food.
2. Allergic Rhinitis
Allergic rhinitis is a fever condition caused by inflammation of the nasal cavity because of an allergic reaction.
Allergic rhinitis reactions occur because of abnormal immune responses to allergens, such as dust, pollen, spores, animal dander, sawdust, and latex.
Normally, these allergens are not substances that are harmful to the immune system. However, in people with hay fever, these allergens are considered harmful by the immune system, thus triggering an allergic reaction.
This immune overreaction causes airway constriction, so people with allergic rhinitis experience shortness of breath.
In addition, this allergic condition also triggers other symptoms, such as sneezing, nasal congestion, sore throat, skin rash, and red and watery eyes.
3. Asthma Allergies
Allergic asthma is a condition when the airways (bronchi) tighten due to inhaling allergens. The allergens that cause allergic asthma are mold spores, animal dander, and pollen.
The immune system causes this condition seeing allergens as harmful substances, causing the immune system to release immunoglobulin E (IGE) antibodies.
They produce IGE to fight allergens and protect the body. However, in allergic conditions, immunoglobulin E is produced in excess, causing the bronchi to tighten.
This condition then triggers the typical symptoms of asthma as shortness of breath, wheezing, and coughing. Besides asthma symptoms, people with allergic asthma may also experience additional symptoms such as sneezing, rash and itching, and itchy and watery eyes.