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Allergies: Causes, Symptoms, Types & Treatments

Allergies are reactions of the human immune system (immune system) to certain substances that should not be harmful. Substances that can trigger an allergic response are called allergens.

In most people, allergens do not cause a reaction in the body. However, in people who have allergies to allergens, the immune system will react, because they think these substances are harmful to the body.

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Allergic reactions that appear in each person are different, ranging from mild reactions, such as sneezing, to severe reactions, namely anaphylaxis. Allergic reactions that appear also depend on the type of allergen. The body’s reaction to allergies is very diverse.

The reaction can occur in the digestive tract, respiratory tract, skin, or other body parts. Allergies generally appear since childhood. But not infrequently new allergy symptoms appear as adults.

Allergy Causes

Allergies are triggered by one type of antibody in the body, called Immunoglobulin E (IgE). Under normal circumstances, these antibodies act against substances from outside that can harm the body. However, in allergy sufferers, IgE is also activated when exposed to substances that do not actually harm the body, such as cold air, eggs, nuts, and so on.

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The mechanism that causes IgE hyperactivity is not known with certainty. However, the following things can make a person more susceptible to allergies:

  • Have a family history of allergies or asthma
  • Have asthma
  • Less exposure to sunlight
  • Born by Caesarean section

Allergies can occur due to any substance. But some of the substances that most often cause allergies are egg whites, sea fish, cow’s milk, peanuts, gluten (usually found in wheat flour), house dust mites, peanuts, and latex materials.

Allergy Symptoms

Allergy symptoms vary widely. Not infrequently, the symptoms are similar to other diseases. Generally, the symptoms that appear depend on the exposure to the allergy-triggering substance experienced.

If a person has an allergy to dust or to flower pollen, the symptoms of allergy that usually appear are respiratory tract disorders. Some of the symptoms that appear include runny nose, stuffy nose, itchy nose, sneezing, itchy and watery eyes, or a cough that doesn’t go away.

Symptoms of allergies can also appear on the skin, can be itchy skin, bumps, peeling, or spots appear on the skin. Meanwhile, when allergies are caused by certain types of food, symptoms generally arise in the digestive tract. Symptoms can include vomiting, swollen tongue, swollen lips, numb lips, stomach cramps, diarrhea, or bloody stools.

If the allergy is triggered by an insect bite, the symptoms that appear are swollen and red skin, bumps on the skin, and can be accompanied by shortness of breath, wheezing, or a sudden drop in blood pressure.

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Allergic reactions can also be very severe and life-threatening. This condition is called anaphylaxis. Anaphylaxis can occur minutes after exposure to certain substances, or several hours after exposure.

Anaphylaxis is initially characterized by itching and burning all over the body, swollen lips or around the eyes, numbness and swelling of the tongue, coughing, and hoarseness. This is followed by shortness of breath, loss of consciousness, and very low blood pressure. If not treated immediately, anaphylaxis can lead to death.

Types of Allergies That Can Happen

So that you do not mistakenly recognize the allergies you suffer from, the following are the types of allergies that usually occur:

1. Food allergies

Food allergies occur after eating certain foods that can trigger allergies, such as eggs, milk, nuts, wheat, soy, and seafood such as fish and shellfish.

Food allergic reactions can include itchy skin and mouth, swollen lips and face, dizziness, nausea and vomiting, and difficulty breathing.

2. Skin allergies

Skin allergies occur when allergens that trigger allergies come into contact with the skin. This allergic reaction can include reddened skin, rash, itching, and swelling.

Allergens that can trigger skin allergies are very diverse, ranging from pollen, nickel metal, certain plants, latex materials, to beauty products or cleaning products that contain certain substances.

3. Dust allergy

Dust can be a substance that can cause allergies. In addition to dust, allergic reactions can also be caused by mites or fleas, pet feces, dead cockroach carcasses, and spores.

People with dust allergies will usually experience symptoms of watery eyes, red eyes, itchy skin, sneezing, and an itchy and stuffy nose, after being exposed to substances that trigger allergies.

To overcome dust allergies, you are advised to keep the surrounding environment clean. Don’t forget to wear a mask when cleaning the house.

4. Drug allergy

Treatments to allergies skin

A drug allergy is an overreaction of the body’s immune system to a drug taken. There are many types of medications that can trigger allergies, including antibiotics such as penicillin, pain medications such as aspirin, chemotherapy drugs to treat cancer, and medications to treat autoimmune diseases.

You should immediately consult a doctor if you feel an allergic reaction after taking the drug, such as skin rash, itching, fever, swelling, wheezing, watery eyes, and shortness of breath.

Allergy Treatment and Prevention

The main treatment for allergies is to avoid the triggering substance (allergen). To relieve symptoms, doctors can give you anti-allergic drugs, such as antihistamines and corticosteroids. If the allergic reaction is severe, the patient needs to be given an injection of epinephrine by a doctor.

The best way to prevent allergies is to avoid triggers. However, there are several other ways that can be done if the trigger is difficult to avoid, such as wearing closed clothes, not wearing perfume that can attract insects, and cleaning the house regularly.

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