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What are The Most Common Types of Fractures

As part of the movement system, the human skeleton is a hard and strong network that has one function to support the body. However, when subjected to external pressure that exceeds its strength, the bone will break. This condition is called a fracture.

This external stress usually occurs when you fall, have an accident, or some other form of injury. However, fractures can also be caused by certain medical conditions that weaken bones, such as osteoporosis.

The severity of the fracture depends on how much stress the bone is under. Because of this difference in strength, the fracture can vary in type, which is then classified according to the nature and shape or pattern of the fracture.

What are the types of fractures

What are the types of fractures based on the location of the bone

Wrist fracture

Wrist fractures are common in children and older adults. This usually happens when you fall and your arms stretch out to support your body.

Broken arm

Hand fractures can occur in the wrist, also in the upper arm (humerus fracture) or forearm (radius and ulna fracture). This type of fracture occurs because of a motorcycle or car accident, both in children and adults.

Broken collarbone or shoulder

Fractures of the collarbone or shoulder are common, especially in children or adolescents. Car accidents or sports injuries usually cause clavicle fractures. In older adults, this type of fracture usually occurs during a fall.

Spinal fracture

Spinal fractures are the most common type of fracture in the elderly, especially because of osteoporosis. However, this type of fracture also often occurs in anyone because of an accident.

Hip fracture

Although not more common than the fractures above, rib fractures also often occur because of trauma to the chest area, such as a fall, accident, or impact during sports. In severe cases, rib fractures can damage blood vessels or major organs in the chest area, such as the lungs.

Broken leg

Fractures in the foot area are also common, including the ankle (ankle) and also the leg. These leg fractures occur because of car accidents, falls, or other forms of injury to the leg.

Broken ribs

Although not more common than the fractures above, rib fractures also often occur because of trauma to the chest area, such as falls, accidents, or collisions during sports. In severe cases, rib fractures can damage major blood vessels or organs in the chest area, such as the lungs.

Besides the fractures that often occur above, other types of fractures can occur such as fractures of the neck or skull or head area.

types of fractures can occur

What are the types of fractures based on the shape or pattern of the fracture

Transverse fracture

A transverse fracture is a type of fracture that is classified as a complete fracture or a complete fracture. This type of fault occurs when the fault is at a level or line. Strong pressure or impact causes this condition that is perpendicular to the bone.

Oblique fracture

Oblique fracture or oblique fracture is a type of fracture that has an oblique or diagonal fracture pattern. This condition usually occurs because there is pressure or a blow from a certain angle, namely up or down.

Stress fracture or hairline fracture

Stress fractures, also known as hairline fractures, usually occur in athletes or people who engage in repetitive sports, constantly pressuring the bone. Usually this type of fracture occurs in the foot or leg. As the name suggests, this type of stress fracture looks like a hairline, or just a small crack in the bone.

Compression fracture

Compression fracture is a type of fracture that often occurs in the spine and occurs in the elderly with osteoporosis. This type of compression fracture occurs when a bone is crushed or crushed under pressure, but still appears flat.

Segmental fracture

Segmental fractures occur when the same bone is broken in two places. This situation causes some bones to appear to be floating.

Avulsion fracture

This type of avulsion fracture occurs when a bone fragment, i.e. a tendon or a ligament, detaches from the bone. The detached bone fragment usually pulls or grabs part of the bone. A strong pulling force on the bone generally causes these avulsion fractures and usually occur in the knee and shoulder joints.

Pathological fracture

Unlike the fractures above, pathological fractures occur because of certain medical conditions or diseases that weaken bones, such as osteoporosis. A person with osteoporosis has bones that are brittle and weak, so they break more easily than healthy bones.

Spiral fracture

Spiral fractures are also part of the complete or total fractures. This type of fracture occurs when the broken bone has twisted or rotated from its point.

Comminuted fracture

This type of comminuted fracture is also part of a complete or total fracture. In a comminuted fracture, the bone breaks into three or more pieces and is no longer aligned. These fractures occur in areas of small bones that are prone to breaking, such as in the hands or feet, from a car accident or other serious incident.

Linear or longitudinal fracture

The shape of this fracture is parallel to the length of the bone, either along or nearly as long as it is. This type is also a type of total or complete fracture.

Greenstick fracture

Greenstick fractures are classified as partial or incomplete fractures. This condition occurs when the bone is broken or cracked only on one side, while the other side is not so that the bone can bend or bend.

Torus or buckle fracture

Bruckle or torus fractures are also classified as incomplete or partial fractures and occur in children because of falls. This condition occurs when a broken bone only occurs on one side, but the fracture does not come apart. The ends of the fracture push or press against each other so that the cracks or broken bones appear to stand out.

Each type of fracture requires different treatment, both with casts and bone pin surgery. Always consult with your doctor about the best type of treatment, which suits your condition.

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